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My Rambling

20 février 2007

A RISKy evening

A RISKy evening
Vinny and me have been planning to start up our weekly routine involving dinner and a game of chess. We started it a year ago and kind of took a prolonged break over the summer (yes ... we've been busy and it has been a while, but we've both wanted to...
17 février 2007

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year
As is normal I wasn't quite clued in to what was happening around me, so only after I had invited Steve and some of the guys over for an evening of beer, whiskey and PS2 did I find out that today was actually Chinese New Years eve. The crew still gathered...
14 février 2007

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day
On the day that most people go on dates or do something special for their better halves, a group of us decided to meet up and make it anything but romantic. We met up at a Mongolian Hotpot restaurant right around the corner from where I live, where food...
12 février 2007

Ludovic's lecture

I left work an hour early, so that I could get to the Bookworm in time for Ludovic's lecture. I met Ludovic a couple of weeks ago through Vinny and was sorry to miss the first time he talked about his travels, so I wasn't about to miss it again. This...
11 février 2007

Caught in the Act

Caught in the Act
If you're not living in Beijing then you haven't heard that I've joined an improv troupe. The idea was spawned in November last year, when Jonathan and me wanted to do something different from the Beijing Actors Workshop. We gathered some excellent folks...
11 février 2007

Presents in the mail

Presents in the mail
I received a little not in my mailbox that I almost threw away because I couldn't read it and it didn't look very important. Luckily I didn't. I asked a friend of mine to translate it and I was informed that I needed to go to to the post office to pick...
3 février 2007

My 31st Birthday Party

My 31st Birthday Party
After a quiet birthday with James Bond and a Friday where I met up with the Norwegian crew in Beijing, it was time to celebrate my birthday in style. I had booked a table at Alameda in Sanlitun. Alameda is a great Brazilian restaurant that always gets...
1 février 2007

My Birthday

My Birthday
As my birthday fell on a Thursday I had already decided that the big splash would happen on Saturday. 14 people had confirmed that they would show up for dinner on Saturday, so it would be all good. Thursday was kind of quiet. I worked from home like...
1 février 2007


When I woke up this morning, I was no longer 30; I had become 30-something. Once people pass 30 they stop counting the years and either stay 29 for the rest of their lives, at least in number if not in body, or they don’t talk about it. I have a long-term...
1 février 2007

A new blog

Most people don't even have a blog. With the creation of this one, I now have 3: One for traveling, one for planning the sailing trip and now this one for everything that doesn’t fit in to the other two. I have thought about creating this blog for quite...
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My Rambling